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Kevin Coker: How 360-Degree Service Beats Five Star Reviews

November 8, 2021
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CRO Consulting
Check out Kevin's latest article with Forbes Business Council on how Proxima Clinical Research showed him the value of, "How 360-Degree Service Beats Five Star Reviews."

In Kevin's article on Forbes Business Council he shared that despite 5-star review being important, there is a better way to gather customer feedback and actually act on it - 360-degree service. "Ultimately, 360-degree service is not a program, it’s a mindset. It’s taking the time to truly understand your client — their struggles, their needs, their purpose and their destination. Where are they headed? Is that the right direction for their stated goals? What’s happening in their world? In their business? In their industry? What’s happening around the world and in the news that can affect their sales or the availability of materials they need for their product line? How can you help them reduce costs? Improve delivery time? Outsource? Elevate their brand presence? Would it make sense to create a joint venture where the two of you can serve their clients, or yours, even better?" Check out Kevin's article in Forbes that details what 360-degree service is and how to apply it to your business.

Read the full story here >>

Photo credit: Chelsea Isaac

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