Kevin's happy it is no longer "Hallmark Channel" season.
Promises, Promises.
Lot’s of pressure on NYE.
I like to stay away these days. Amateur hour.
Even more pressure on NY day! Commit to new goals – exercise more… eat better… stop doing something… start doing something. My advice, let yourself off the hook. Try and get 10 people to promise you something this year and see how that works.
Our resolution is to do more of what we’ve been doing. Giving the best service possible to small and emerging drug, medical device and diagnostic companies. So “our” promise is to keep on, keeping on.

It’s fitting that our first newsletter kicks off our first campaign of 2020. We Love Startups. It was an idea created by one of our first interns Mary Feng. Last year, sitting around the table wondering what was going to be our first campaign Mary said, “what are you doing for Valentine’s day”? One thousand suckers stuck to heartfelt “Be My Valentine” cards later and we kicked off our first marketing campaign.
For the next two months we’ll be showing our love with tips on our LinkedIn page, perspectives on Twitter, and great informational content on our website. You’ll want to follow all these channels to get great content and see some exciting things coming soon.

Just in case you’ve forgotten. Important discoveries in life science the past 10 years in 100 words or less…
10 years ago we created synthetic life.
9 years ago scientists showed how to prevent HIV transmission.
6 years ago we discovered CRISPR…
1 year later we couldn’t help but try it out in a human embryo…
two years ago CRISPR babies…
last year CRISPR trials for Cancer
and last week CRISPR “docs” go to jail… (enough about CRISPR)
Speaking of cancer, multiple discoveries allowed scientists to get our own immune system to fight off cancer
The first “artificial pancreas” (not quite)
But we are are one step closer to printing organs…

Meet The Innovator - John Zellmer, MBA
"Across more than a handful of time zones, John is calling in from Sweden, where he is in charge of business affairs for Intelligent Implants. Founded by John’s brother Erik Zellmer and neurosurgeon Rory Murphy, Intelligent Implants incorporates wireless electronics into standard orthopedic implants, which they use to control bone growth through stimulation."

Proxima Employee Spotlight: Andrew Frink

At Proxima, our company culture is fueled by the versatility of our employees. We pride ourselves on having an outgoing and trustworthy environment that allows our employees to learn new things and “wear a lot of hats”.

We’ve worked on almost 100 projects in two years! Thanks for making us the top CRO for emerging companies, or big companies that think like emerging companies!
We love our clients and love you.
very truly yours,

PS, we’re hiring new positions. Stay tuned to LI and the web. Posting later this week!

Catch us at our next event! We'd love to see you.